Archive for the 'Virginia Tech' Category

Schools Out Forever?

George W. Bush took the time to visit Virginia Tech today — yet flew right by New Orleans the day after that city was swallowed whole by a neighboring lake.

Why? Natural disasters are no fun. But George W. Bush feasts on deliberate bloodbaths.

That’s obvious to anyone who knows how to think.

Therein lies the Problem; one They seek to solve with the uniquely American, school shoot ’em up phenomenon.

People who know how to think are a problem. School shootings are one way to keep everyone dumb.

Think about it: the US Government uses behavior control drugs (one wonders: was this latest kid on Prozac?) to viciously transmogrify young misfits into young gunmen. They shoot up a few schools. Next thing you know every school in the country is closed for the sake of Public Safety.

And the government reaps the reward of a populace kept even dumber than they already was.